
Language Reduction Preprocessing

BAI Language Reduction Preprocessor currently includes the following features

  • Tokenisation
  • Multi-word phrase detection (prepositions/phrasal verbs)
  • POS ambiguity permutation detection
  • Operating system independent development - ISO C++ (currently available on Linux EL5/EL6/EL7/EL8/UB14/UB16/UB20 and Microsoft Windows XP/7/8/10)

For an overview of the semi-supervised learning features introduced by BAI LRP, see the "Language Reduction Preprocessing Features" demonstration. This technology is not currently being maintained and it is recommended to use a modern textual preprocessor (e.g. NLTK).

Technology Name Support Source License Source Documentation
Language Reduction Preprocessor (LRP) LinuxRed Hat LinuxUbuntu LinuxWin AGPLv3 (view source online) Auto Documentation