Introduction to GIA

BAI General Intelligence Algorithm Illustration

The following examples give an introduction to GIA. Output is shown in TXT, SVG and CXL (IHMC CmapTools).

GIA Illustration

Source Version: 1s1b

Example 1

GIA is a general intelligence algorithm.


What is GIA?


GIA execution time: 11:54:29 12/04/2013 (start)
Answer Found.
Exact Found Answer: algorithm
(Type: general)
Answer Context: GIA is algorithm
Answer Context (NLG): algorithm has an intelligence
Answer Context (NLG): algorithm is general
Answer Context (NLG): GIA is algorithm
confidence: 30.000000
max confidence: 30.000000
GIA execution time: 11:55:56 12/04/2013 (finish)

Example 2

GIA normalises language.


What does GIA normalise?


GIA execution time: 12:18:6 12/04/2013 (start)
Answer Found.
Exact Found Answer: language
Answer Context: GIA is normalise language
Answer Context (NLG): GIA normalises a language
confidence: 40.000000
max confidence: 40.000000
GIA execution time: 12:19:43 12/04/2013 (finish)

Example 3

GIA normalises language.


Does GIA normalise language?


GIA execution time: 12:6:5 12/04/2013 (start)
Answer: Yes.
confidence: 40.000000
max confidence: 40.000000
GIA execution time: 12:7:40 12/04/2013 (finish)

Example 4

GIA is designed to normalise language.


What is GIA designed to do?


GIA execution time: 12:25:56 12/04/2013 (start)
Answer Found.
Exact Found Answer: normalise
Answer Context: GIA design _to-do normalise
Answer Context (NLG): normalise a language
Answer Context (NLG): GIA designed _to-do normalise
confidence: 50.000000
max confidence: 50.000000
GIA execution time: 12:27:44 12/04/2013 (finish)

Example 5

GIA can use RelEx.
RelEx is NLP software.


What software can GIA use?


GIA execution time: 19:28:50 12/04/2013 (start)
Answer Found.
Exact Found Answer: relex
Answer Context: gia is use relex
Answer Context (NLG): GIA use RelEx
confidence: 40.000000
max confidence: 40.000000
GIA execution time: 19:29:46 12/04/2013 (finish)

Example 6

GIA can use RelEx.
RelEx is NLP software.


What is RelEx?


GIA execution time: 19:36:51 12/04/2013 (start)
Answer Found.
Exact Found Answer: software
Answer Context: relex is software
Answer Context (NLG): software has NLP
Answer Context (NLG): RelEx is software
confidence: 30.000000
max confidence: 30.000000
GIA execution time: 19:37:59 12/04/2013 (finish)

Example 7

A red ball is an example of a substance.
The red ball can be referenced.
The red ball is in the park.
Tom threw the red ball.


Who threw the red ball?


GIA execution time: 20:22:5 12/04/2013 (start)
Answer Found.
Exact Found Answer: tom
Answer Context: ball has red throw is done by tom
Answer Context (NLG): Tom threw a red ball
confidence: 50.000000
max confidence: 40.000000
GIA execution time: 20:22:59 12/04/2013 (finish)